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Success Stories

In 2010 my daughter went to the ER for X-Rays after a painful sports injury and they were unable to diagnose her. Normally a healthy girl, she looked as if she had scoliosis. After five days of extreme pain, we were referred to Dr. Marshall of Marshall Chiropractic, PC by a friend. After an examination he determined her ribs were out and she had a torn cartilage, so he did an adjustment. She immediately had less pain and was able to stand up straight! She continued under his acre for two months and he recommended a supplement to help rebuild the cartilage. Fortunately, she was able to return to the dance team. We will always be grateful to Dr. Marshall and our whole family continues to see him. This experience has given us faith in chiropractic practice and has left us wondering, "Why was the ER unable to diagnose this obvious problem?"

Michelle D.

I was referred to Dr. Marshall by my sister. I came to Dr. Marshall for low back pain with shooting pain down my leg and I was having lots of headaches. In a few months, I have noticed major improvements in my health and in my life. I have more energy and my headaches are almost eliminated. I get over illness (colds) easier and I have less sinus problems. With chiropractic, there is less back pain and better health. Before I saw Dr. Marshall I was having a lot of problems in my neck. After having a disk removed and the vertebra fused in my neck, I thought my problems and pain would be solved. About 7 months after surgery I started getting frequent headaches and what I thought was a flair up of my sciatic nerve. After seeing Dr. Marshall for only a few months, I am amazed and in awe of the major improvements in my life. Not only has the pain disappeared, I have so much more energy I have begun enjoying life outdoors with my family again! I know I can trust Dr. Marshall with my adjustments. I have learned that there is a direct correlation between my spine being out of alignment (a subluxation) and my health.

Marti D.

I was experiencing upper neck pain and back pain that went down my left side all the way to my hips. I was getting headaches and was grumpy due to chronic pain all the time. I had been to chiropractic clinics before and had success, but I had never been put on a Wellness Plan. My prior adjustments were for relief only without thought of actually preventing my pain. Dr. Marshall had me get X-Rays. He studied my spine and came up with a plan to help me overcome my pain. I have been seeing him now for 4 months and I feel 100% better. I no longer feel pain consistently throughout the day. I still need adjustments and will probably need them my entire life, but the chronic pain is gone.

Thank you Dr. Marshall. To me, you worked a miracle!

Susie C.

Thank you for all your care for my family. Because of the treatments I have been given, my knees no longer pop or hurt when I bend or squat down, which I do consistently. I was having a hard time even going up the stairs some days at only 36 years old. My hips used to ache a lot, especially in bed and I had numbing down my legs for years. I remember asking my MD about it when I was in my 20's and he had no answer. I had to be patient with the results but I followed Dr. Marshall's instructions and now I feel great. I now go in every 2-3 weeks for an adjustment to keep healthy. I also noticed I have much fewer colds or flues. If I do get sick, it doesn't last very long. The care for my children has been wonderful They rarely need antibiotics and they were on them often before. They have been staying much healthier.

Thank you Dr. Marshall & Andrea for your loving care!

Sharon C.

We started care with Dr. Marshall way back when he first stated practice in 1992. Our experience with Dr. Marshall is that of excellence. His team makes you feel appreciated. Dr. Marshall is a wonderful physician who has integrated professionalism with compassion. We look to him as a teacher as well as a friend. We both receive adjustments 1-2 times a month religiously. We have learned how to improve our health through chiropractic care, and without the use of drugs.

Matt & Jackie O.

I started care with Dr. Marshall in March of 2002 for low back pain. My low back hurt every time I moved or coughed. A person I work with had given a good report about Dr. Marshall so I decided to schedule a visit. Within a short period of time, my back pain was gone and since then, I have been getting around much better. Chiropractic care allows me to run around without pain and I am able to do things I didn't used to be able to do.

David K.

I sought out care with Dr. Marshall because I was having headaches, beck tension, and lot of tightness in my neck. My mom suggested I have Dr. Marshall take a look instead of going to a medical doctor to get prescription pills (drugs). Dr. Marshall has been great and is always very helpful. I have learned a lot from Dr. Marshall. I always feel much better after an adjustment and I no longer have headaches. My neck and back feel better all over. I now understand that in order to keep myself healthy, it is an ongoing process of care, not just to get out of pain and then quit. I enjoy coming to the office and have recommended chiropractic to others.

Heidi F.

I have been under care for two years with Dr. Marshall. I came to the office because I was having difficulty with all movement. I had lower back spasms, upper back cramps, my ears were ringing, eyes aching, joints aching, and I had restricted neck and shoulder movement. I chose chiropractic care because I didn't feel that any other field could address the real problem without causing more damage. My experience with Marshall Chiropractic has been wonderful. The doctor is consistent, considerate, and careful. He is eager to learn new techniques, and careful to check progress. I realize a lot of permanent damage to my body has been done, and probably nothing will completely undue the years of hard usage to my body, but with regular chiropractic care, I still have some good years left in me. I am a home-builder, which is fairly tough work with heavy and bulky materials. Two years ago I couldn't walk, and now next week I will be finishing a three-story remodel!

Doug L.

I have been receiving care at intervals of 2-3 times a week for about two weeks at Marshall Chiropractic. I was suffering from a condition known as spondylolisthesis. I have had a bad back for my entire life. I was experiencing a bone-on-bone feeling with very little mobility, and persistent back pain. I chose chiropractic as a last resort because nothing else I have tried has worked. My experience at Marshall Chiropractic has been excellent. Dr. Marshall has been a Godsend. I am no longer feeling bone-on-bone and I have no back pain for the first time in my life! I truly cannot believe the turnaround in such a short time. I can do things for a longer period without the excruciating pain.

Scott. S.

I have been under regular care with Dr. Marshall since 1998. When I came to Dr. Marshall, I had neck tension, pressure in my neck, headaches, and I didn't have full range of motion in my neck. Dr. Marshall discovered I had lost the normal curve in my neck. I decided to follow through with care because I wanted to take care of my body and be able to turn my head again. Dr. Marshall, and his team, are very caring and concerned about total body health. I no longer have headaches and I can turn my head without hitches. I feel an overall well-being about me. It is easier to be under stress without feeling it in my neck.

Sari S.